Step 1 of 2: Select your account type

Please indicate what type of account you need:

Click here for more details on the different types of accounts.


As an independent user you can connect one (or more) of your on-farm weather station(s) to the RIMpro Cloud. RIMpro will read your weather data and extend these automatically with local weather forecast data. You can enter and evaluate your spray schedules. You get unlimited access to all available models and no other people have access to your data unless you choose to join a RIMpro usergroup.

Costs: 250 Euro per year for an account with one weather station.
250 Euro per year for every extra station

As consultancy organisation you can setup an unlimited number of weather stations. The weather data of each station are automatically extended with local weather forecast. You get access to all models available on the platform. You manage all parameters of the models to your own experience, and set the biofixes for all stations based on your expertise. Your can create direct links to the models for your clients. These links can be individual for each station or it can be an interactive map of all station.

Costs: 1850 Euro per year as basic fee. This enables you to setup 10 stations.
185 Euro per year for every extra station


If you do not have your own weather station, you still can join a user group on invitation of that group. The group has its own usermap showing all stations within the group. As guest you can see the results of the models from all stations within the group. You can enter your spray records on the system and evaluate your schedule with the data of each station in the group. No other persons can access your data.

Costs: 170 Euro per guest member per year

As client of an advisor using RIMpro, you can create a personal account that enables you to enter and evaluate your fungicide treatments, using any station that is offered to you by your adviser. No other persons can access your data.

Costs: 170 Euro per guest member per year